Wednesday, June 27, 2012

swords and manhood

I know this is pretty crazy two blog post in the same evening.  But I just had to share this too.

In much world mythology the sword first has a positive meaning: a person’s ability to be discriminating and decisive. The sword helps a man separate his feelings from the issues at hand. It helps him name and maintain appropriate boundaries. A man with a sword knows who he is and who he isn’t, and what is worth protecting.

The sword has also borne a negative meaning, killing and death. Spiritually speaking however, it’s necessary to kill or at least distinguish the dark side, the small egocentric self.  Also for a man to be born, boyhood and “keeping all my options open” must die, and this is painful especially in a culture that encourages perpetual adolescence. So even in its negative sense the sword can become a symbol of the healthy warrior and an expression of his spiritual side. ~Fr. Richard Rohr

“It is a good day to do great things.”...again

This is partially a repost from last year, but it just seems fitting for today being fathers day. First of all I want to thank my dad, there are many things that I learned from you but two things that really stand out are how to fight and work hard despite how you felt or what your circumstances were. I also want to thank the other fathers that I have been blessed with through the years the ones that spoke to the treasure that Abba placed in me and called out the warrior I was meant to be. Thanks and blessings to you all, wouldn't be what and who I am today without you. And I especially want to thank Abba for creating me to be a man of purpose and for revealing His incredible heart to me so that I can share it with others.

A few years back I was recommended a book written by a Fransican Monk named Richard Rohr. He has an incredible grasp of the spirituality of man and how it works in the supernatural realm we are supposed to live in.  Here is a quote from one his books:

According to legend, the Great Plains warriors would say to their sons first thing in the morning, “It is a good day to do great things.”  If we can’t say something like this, we will not experience the quest.  We need this kind of desire and expectation…  We to allow our souls to be stirred by a magnificent ambition – something that makes us jump out of bed in the morning that calls us to be some kind of hero in our own kind of story, even if we know we have more than one tragic flaw. ~Fr. Richard Rohr
It's time to have our inner hero awakened and set free to do what he was destined to do.