Acts 9: Saul’s Conversion and Hearing God
During my
journey through the Book of Acts I read through Chapter 9 a couple of weeks
ago, I thought that I had posted this blog already but after talking with my
friend Tony I discovered I missed it. So here it is.
The first
part of this chapter deals with Saul and his conversion experience. While the conversion
is important there are some other things that really stood out to me. One of them is the difference in how God
spoke to both Saul and Ananias, and their subsequent reactions. The other is
how God used this situation to change Saul’s vision and perspective.
Acts 9:3 As
he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from
was something significant about the light. During those days people didn’t
normally travel at night, this means that when Saul and his men had this
encounter with Jesus it was during the day.
The light that came from heaven was so bright that it could be seen
during the light of the day.
would also seem that the light had some weight to it, it carried the heaviness
of God’s glory. Evidence of this is that
Saul fell to the ground because of the presence of the light.
Acts 9:4-9
Saul even
though he was a Pharisee and knew the letter of Law and the Scripture, did not
immediately recognize the voice of the Lord. Even though he was knocked to the
ground under the heaviness of God’s glory the recognition still wasn’t there.
But when Jesus spoke and identified Himself, Saul did not question Him as He
knew it was Him. Then Jesus set Saul up for some changes.
questioned Saul’s mission
identified Himself and expressed His pain that was caused by what Saul was
turned his heart to the Lord’s
removed Saul’s vision, so that it could restored with a new vision that came
from Him
In verses
10-19 we are introduced Ananias and his ministry to Saul.
Acts 9:10 Now
there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and to him the Lord
said in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.”
This verse
shows that unlike Saul, who was a religious leader and scholar and didn’t
recognize God’s voice, Ananias immediately knew Who it was that was speaking to
him. This tells me that Ananias had, had previous conversations with the Lord
and that he knew His voice. More evidence that Jesus and Ananias had a
relationship was that Ananias questioned Him on His instructions.
Acts 9:13-14 Then
Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm
he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the
chief priests to bind all who call on Your name.”
At some
level he was saying, “Don’t You know who this guy is and what he has done?
Really? You really want me to go and see this guy? Are you nuts?”
Notice that
Jesus didn’t strike down or even rebuke Ananias for this questioning. The fact is that Jesus knew exactly who He
needed to talk to, to get the job done, vs. 10 said “there was a certain disciple” He knew why He picked Ananias; He
knew that he would be obedient to His request.
My guess is that he had a proven track record of doing what Jesus asked
him to do. The short version of Jesus’
reply to Ananias is “I have chosen Saul to reach many and he will suffer many
things for My name’s sake.” (vs.15-16) I can almost guarantee that what Ananias
heard in Jesus’ reply was “I have chosen him” and “he will suffer”, regardless
he was obedient and went to Saul.
Assumed Expectations: So it says in Acts 9:17 And Ananias went
his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, “Brother
Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me
that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Nowhere in the recorded conversation between
Jesus and Ananias do He tell him to get Saul filled with the Holy Spirit. However this is what I like to call an
assumed expectation. It was such a
normal part of the conversion experience in those days. People accepted Christ, were filled with the
Holy Spirit and baptized in water. There were no special new believer’s classes
that had to be attended and sometimes all three happened simultaneously in the
same day even.
So here is a
re-cap of Saul’s conversion experience:
1. He was on the right road on his way
to do the wrong thing
2. He encountered Jesus and his vision
was removed
3. He accepted Jesus
4. He fasted and prayed for three days
5. Ananias cam and laid hands on him
a. He received his sight and gained new
b. He was filled with the Holy Spirit
c. He was baptized in water
6. Shortly after his conversion he
started preaching Christ instead of persecuting the Church
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