Clothe yourselves therefore,
as God’s own chosen ones (His own picked representatives), [who are] purified and holy and well-beloved [by God
Himself, by putting on behavior marked by] tenderhearted pity and mercy, kind feeling, a lowly
opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, [and] patience [which is tireless and
long-suffering, and has the power to endure whatever comes, with good temper].
Be gentle and forbearing with
one another and, if one has a difference (a grievance or complaint) against
another, readily pardoning each other; even as the Lord has [freely] forgiven
you, so must you also [forgive].
in his letter to the church in Colossae

When you look at how we were forgiven and
the lack of conditions that are set upon us to receive forgiveness from Jesus,
it sheds a whole new light on what it means to die to self. We are called to demonstrate and be a
reflection of His love and to pour out the same grace and mercy that poured out
on us. He demonstrated His love by dying
for us on the cross so that we could enter back into relationship with Him.
Sometimes, we need to set ourselves aside, are to live by faith and not be
feeling. Our feelings while valid will
lie to us and keep us from doing what we are supposed to be doing. I’m sure if Jesus let feelings be His compass
when it came to forgiving, we would all be in trouble. But imagine if He let feelings guide His
ability to forgive on the day He went to the cross. He is hanging there nailed to the cross
beaten and bloody and the guy hanging next to Him recognizes Him for who He is
and asks to be remembered when He gets to His Kingdom. Jesus didn’t say “you know I have had a really
bad day today, they took My clothes, pushed this crown of thorns down into My
head, beat Me and nailed Me to this cross.
I really don’t feel like forgiving you for your sins right now, I think
I’ve had enough for one day.” Instead He
turns to him and says “Surely this day you will be with Me in paradise.” Jesus didn’t say: “I need to heal some
first, you know you are part of the reason I’m hanging here, or I think you need
to suffer in your guilt for a while.” He said, “I forgive you.”

Some say that “time heals all wounds”, in
fact I used to say that too. But I don’t
really think that is true anymore. I do
believe that sometimes healing can take some time to complete and that with
time pain subsides making it easier to get through the healing process.
But when we leave wounds unattended or un-dealt
with then what we usually end up with is an ugly mass of scar tissue. This scar tissue gives the appearance of
healing that happened, but the underlying wound starts getting infected and
festers. This wounded area becomes
tender and sensitive, sometimes when its touched it causes you to lash out because
the pain returns and the memory invoked brings you back to the original time of
being wounded. What happens is this
underlying gunk will eventually want to find its way out. Sometimes that
manifests itself in something ugly like cancer or some other life stealing
I have an example of this; a few years
back I was working with wood and got a pretty nasty sliver in my hand. I dug in and got what I thought was the
entire sliver. After some time the areas
healed and I didn’t think about it much, but every once in a while I would hit
that area on something and it would hurt a little. Being the tough guy I never
really wanted to address what was causing the pain just kept going knowing it
would stop soon. After a few months, I
had a growth start on my hand it looked kind of like a wart. I figured that was the source of the
discomfort having forgotten about the sliver.
Again being a guy as this thing kept growing and becoming more obnoxious
I started digging at it with my knife to see if I could get rid of it. Then I noticed at the center there was
something that looked different than the skin around it so I started to squeeze
and out popped a chunk of wood and a bunch of pus. I proceeded to properly clean the wound and
now you can’t even see a scar where it happened. I had come to realize that my body knew that
chunk of wood didn’t belong in my hand and since I hadn’t dealt with it
properly, it rejected it and forced it to the surface.
That’s what happens with us when we allow
offenses, hurt feelings and unforgiveness to lay dormant in us. It starts to fester and our spirit knows it
isn’t supposed to be there and will do things to bring it to the surface, but
usually don’t want to deal with it so we let more scar tissue build up. Then it crops up as something else, and many
times the source of it is never found, because we spend so much time trying to
find physical means to bring healing to spiritual wounds.
There are two main keys to getting healed:
Forgiveness –
Remembering that we don’t forgive out of feeling, we do it out of obedience
following the example and model that Jesus gave us.
Being open and
vulnerable to the Holy Spirit. We need to allow the Great Physician to come in
and do His job. We need to let Him do whatever
needs to be done to bring about complete healing. Sometimes with old wounds that can be painful. It can involve cutting away the old scar
tissue or dead skin, maybe re-breaking a bone to have it set properly and made
functional again. Sometimes in this process He will use other people to help,
guide and support you. But the deepest
cleaning happens when you let Him go as deep as He needs to go to get at the
root, to bring complete and total healing.
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