Saturday, April 20, 2019


So we have this picture hanging in our bedroom of an old barn. Instead of hanging it from a regular hanger we hung it with a piece of twine instead kind of gave it a rustic type of feel. We had gone a way for a few days and when we got home the picture had slid down the wall behind the dresser, the single thread of twine could not support the weight of the not very heavy picture over a period of time. Then discussion ensued do we try thicker twine or use a regular hanger. In passing one of daughters mentioned you should braid the twine and this stuck in the back of my head. So we found the same spool of twine that we took the single, failed strand from and cut three strands. I took these strands knotted them on one end looped them on a door handle and proceeded to braid them. Being the dad of three girls I have had a lot of braiding experience, I brushed and braided their hair on a regular basis.

Anyway as I was braiding the three strands together I could feel the imperfections of each single strand as they worked through my fingers where one of the natural pieces was joined with another to make it one long spool. As I worked to tightly work these three strands together Abba started talking to me. First I was reminded of: Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Which is where you probably thought I was going with this, but He started to show me more.

As those imperfections of each thread which on their own were potential weak points or break points once I was able to tightly intertwine them the imperfections disappeared the weak spots became strong. He started showing me how He intertwines our lives with others and how when we focus on the strength of that unity and when He is the core that strengthens that unity that the imperfections that make us weak as individuals are strengthened and fade into the chord. They actually have certain ropes that have a core sometimes of steel that run through the center, this design gives incredible strength. In John 15:5
“I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless. His desire is for us to be in unity with one another, with our lives intertwined and Him as our core. Following His commands obediently to love, heal and set free, making disciples that expand His kingdom.

Bless y'all.

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