Monday, September 16, 2013

salvation soapbox

I have been seeing and hearing a lot lately about our light shining into darkness. I think however that in in order for our light to shine the brightest that we need to have a good understanding of salvation and our condition before and after. Ephesians 2 gives us that. Did you know that on average most Christians will lead more people to Christ within the first three years of their salvation than through the rest of their walk. Two things are factors in this. First is that their experience is fresh and exhilarating and the "have" to share it and then secondly, the sad part really, is that they get sucked into programs and service to the church and lose sight of that initial excitement and zeal. I believe the lack of discipleship that happens is a disservice to new believers instead of learning how to mature their excitement and continuing a deep relationship with Christ, they are generally reduced to religious robots. This pattern I feel is starting to be broken, I believe that in order for the church to fulfill the great commission it needs to shift its focus from building a building and getting people to come to it to support it, to going out and making disciples and partnering with Jesus in building His kingdom.

AND YOU [He made alive], when you were dead (slain) by [your] trespasses and sins In which at one time you walked [habitually]....

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